Zoological Bibliography or Opera Zoologica
Our lead publication, called Zoological Bibliography, appears irregularly as new articles are ready. This is dedicated to two pioneers in this field Charles Davies Sherborn 1861-1942 and Charles Wallace Richmond 1868-1932. This features articles relating to dates of publication, or related matters, especially of works that appeared in parts and notes referring to recent publications likely to interest readers.
Aves Press seeks to fill specific niches with subscription based e-journals that are peer-reviewed. If not wholly open access then each main article in an issue will become available as a free download after six months thus providing Open Access even if delayed. Copyright in the final product belongs to Aves Press but copyright in the text and any images belongs to the authors who licence their work to us to publish under the appropriate Creative Commons licence. Any Aves Press journal concerned with zoology will be registered with ZooBank and will comply with the ICZN's rules on electronic publication. New scientific names will be registered in ZooBank by the publisher.
Proposals for titles
If you have suggestions for other journals that Aves Press Limited should consider launching please explain your idea and suggest at least two board members you would seek to appoint and, if at all possible, an honorary editor. The e-mail space on the Contact Us page should be used. Guidelines to authors are printed on the inside back cover of every issue, and each is or will be available as a download see below.
Current Titles:
Zoological Bibliography
Cuban Trogon
© Andy & Gill Swash