Zoology: Books and Periodicals

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  1. Until 5 April 2017 Aves Press traded as a Limited Company and then as a Partnership and this website provided Terms and Conditions for the sale of or for subscription to printed or electronic works. The details were set out in contract form. From 1 July 2018 the business is managed by Edward Dickinson alone and on a simpler basis such that the details given here replace the terms and conditions previously in force and there is no contract needed between us for anything you can obtain from this website.
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  3. E-journals: the periodical Zoological Bibliography is now only an e-journal and PDFs of each article are made available free of charge for download on this website. A small number of back copies of the printed issues making up volumes 1 and 2 is held by Steven Gregory (Tel. 01604 718745). Authors do not pay page charges.
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  7. Date of issue: 1 July 2018.
AVES PRESS  • avespress.com • Contact address: Edward Dickinson, Flat 19, Marlborough Court, Southfields Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN21 1BT. Tel. 01323 731823